The biggest misconception about blogs is that they actually enable laypersons (such as myself) to become webdesigners. I started out with the best of intentions: "I just need a web presence where I can categorize my writing for public display. I don't care how it looks." That went the way of the dodo in about a minute, and now look.
Blogs aren't magic websites. In fact, like most "you don't know what you're doing but that's okay" interfaces, a lot of design function gets limited/bulky as stupid user assistance gets priority. Which is fine, as long as you align your expectations accordingly. Remember, all these pretty tools are there to make you think you're a webdesigner. But you still aren't. Real designers don't use or need these interfaces--frequently the objects of scorn and frustration--because they have real skills. But you don't. I don't. So my site is blue, and after work, I'll have to pester my husband to drop in some HTML for me.
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